The Spanish Immersion (SI) program is a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the lives of Spanish-speaking seniors in the Greater Boston Area. SI provides the seniors with small stipends to participate in conversations with local residents. The majority (all but 20 %) of each conversation fee goes directly to the seniors.
In order to maintain the success of the SI program, we depend heavily on donations from local businesses and community members. There are many ways in which you can help with this program. Here are some ways you can contribute:
Monetary donations are very appreciated. This resources will be used to fund our various activities, such as: one-one-one conversations in Spanish, music classes, monthly meetings, exercise classes, workshops, computer classes and many more.
Volunteers are a huge value to our organization. With your help we can provide better service to our learners and participants, increase contact with the greater community, and make available better expertise for seniors and learners as well.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact us at
We have many treasures that have been generously donated to us. There is a little bit of everything to be found from: wool sweaters, clay dolls produced by one of our participants, as well as, art done by our learners. Find our treasures HERE.